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I am impressed, this definetely helped. As a freelancer, IRS is never easy, but it helped me understand the basis of accounting. I am sure it will be good for advanced users too. Definetely to recommend – and worth the more than reasonable price.
Sonja Bruns, Author

How to begin

Dr. Books® is a special accounting training concept developed in Germany. Step by step the videos explain:
  • the underlying business principles behind double-entry bookkeeping;

  • what a balance sheet is;

  • the difference between assets and capital;

  • how business transactions change the balance sheet;

  • what T-accounts and journal entries are;

  • how to derive the correct journal entries for vouchers and receipts;

  • what debits and credits are.

A perfect introduction for beginners.
Please note: This app explains the fundamentals of the double-entry bookkeeping system and gives users a basic understanding of the bookkeeping process. This knowledge helps you understand the basics of financial statements and prepare for exams. Due to the large number of additional legal specifications and regulations involved, those wanting to do company bookkeeping themselves will need formal training; otherwise, we advise you to hire a tax advisor or an accountant. For advanced bookkeeping you need to refer to a textbook covering advanced issues such as accruals and deferrals.” 

Ready for the next step?

Finally master debits & credits in just one hour!
This series of learning-videos explains the basic concept of double-entry bookkeeping. No previous knowledge is required.
A perfect introduction for beginners.

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